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What is the right option for me?Energetische Aufrichtung®, one or more Healings or rather the intensive transformation program Spin!Up your life? The best way to find out is a free personal meeting. Talk to me - I look forward to your story, your questions and to getting to know you!
How many Transmissions of Energetische Aufrichtung® or Healing Sessions do I need?To reconnect to the Source and in general one is enough. Two are optimal. Basically, it happens exactly as much as you yourself are ready to let go at that moment! If you have extremely deep-seated blockages and issues from which your soul does not yet want to separate, it may be that you also notice physically that you are not yet as straightened as you would like. In that case another session can help. I can also support you with a targeted healing on the subject and/or with my coaching program Spin!Up your Life, so that you learn to prevent relapses and to hold the high frequency permanently on your own.
I am operated / stiffened. Can Energetische Aufrichtung® help me even then?Definitely YES! In people without surgery, I experience a more flexible spine overall and they react more comprehensively, However, a part of your spine can still be affected. For example, one of my clients who had surgery had her cervical spine straightened, which led to a more stable and confident head posture. You have decided to have surgery and the most important thing is that you are well! There is one thing to keep in mind: By choosing this influence FROM OUTSIDE, you have provided some relief and forced your body to stay in an at least partially straightened position, but the origin of your displacement may still be pent up everywhere in your body unresolved as low frequency, such as fear, stress, insecurity, and more. No matter if you had a surgery or not - Energetische Wirbelsäulenaufrichtung® works from the inside, binding, can help you to release your blockages, personality growth and deep insights as well as transformation of old behavioral patterns! Just write me a message and try it out!
Frequently Asked Questions
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